Sweater for my niece, pattern from Jimmy Bean's Wool, yarn Tess' Designer Yarn Superwash Merino.

Socks for Principessa, yarn Handpainted Sunshine Yarns Watermelon. And yes, they are identical, and Principessa is pointing that out to everybody.
This UFO Resurrection 2007 deal really rocks, not only because I am finishing stuff, but because I am giving myself permission to frog projects that are not inspiring me anymore. Rule #2 of the KAL says that each month we should post about the chosen project(s) and state if we will work on it or frog it. So there, a light went on in my head: I do not have to finish all my UFO's, I can send to the frog pond the ones I fell out of love with. Of the 16 projects I had at the beginning of 2007, only 8 are left standing!
I am down to only 9 projects on my needles, it has to be a historical minimum - better cast on for two or three before people start wondering what's wrong with me!
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