Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I am making a hat

I got this set of 21" long needles #9 (freebie from an eBay buy) and I told myself, why do not try and make a hat? Yes, I never used circular needles before (but the other day when I casted on them and did one row) but how difficult can it be? So here I go, casted 70 stitches and round and round I go: I am making a rolled edge hat, green and pink stripes. Then I started to decrease, every 8 stitches, then 7 seven, then 6 and ……. The needles are too long now. Went online, googled knitted hats, ah ah: I need to switch to doubled pointed needles! Never used those, really never. Again, how difficult can it be?
Well, it turns out that the difficulty is finding #9 double pointed needles: neither JoAnn nor Michael’s carried them. Only #3 and #6 (that I have, another freebie). I do not, I repeat I do not, want to go to LYS. Beside the fact that they’ll charge me a fortune, I never manage to go there and spend less then $50. I always see something else I want.
And I need 36” or 40” long circular needles #7 for Valerie too: no sigh of them either.
So, knitters out there, if any of you is reading this, please tell me, where do you get your needles supplies? Online? I know that I can get what I need at Yarnware.com - lowest prices online I could find on these specific items, but then I need to wait. Not good at waiting ……
I bought double pointed #6 anyway, wondering if I am going to make a mess if I use them. And I bought a 32” long #7 circular hoping that it is long enough.


  1. I am just learning and happened upon your blog then promptly got side-tracked checking out ChicKnits. :D

    Anyway, I happened upon this how-to and thought I'd post it here. I honestly don't know if this is a method you can use for your hat project, but, no harm - no foul. :)


  2. I'm a new knitter as well, just starting up my needle collection. I've been doing some research on the Denise Interchangable Knitting Needles and I'm pretty sure that I'm taking the plunge. Do some research - you can get them on ebay for about $40.00. It's going to definitely save you some cash in the long run.


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