Friday, May 06, 2005

It's finally Friday

For once, I am so happy is Friday and I'll be away from the office for two days. I am not sure it'll helps though.

Monday night a colleague and friend passed away. I am shell shocked. We all are. We did not even know she was that sick, she did not know until the Thursday before.

She was one of the bravest person I know. She had breast-cancer before I met her, so more than 4 years ago, and afterward doctors told her she could not have children. She proved everybody wrong and had a boy. And then twins.

This past week I had to use all my energy just to function, and it is getting worse every day. Tuesday, the day we knew, I was shocked but ok. Wednesday I was incredibly sad, thinking about her husband and her children all day long. Thursday I almost could not take being in the office and so glad I had to go away for a while for Principessa's knitting club. What saved me today was Paperino's school Mother's Day lunch. Sitting in my office, next to hers, is getting unbearable.

I know it is normal, it gets worse before it gets better.

Of course I have been knitting as a mad woman, like lives depended on it. I wish it were that simple.

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