Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Projects Call

Every once in a while I do a "projects call" to re-evaluate all the projects [Ravelry link] I have in progress and frog anything that I don't love anymore.

Logcabin Blanket [Ravelry Link]: started in July 2006, love it, love it, love it. I even tried to finish it for the Ravelimpics. And I am so close, darn it!

Sugar Maple Shawl [Ravelry link]: I started this in Feb 2007, what the heck? It's a keeper, but I hope it is not a life sentence!

Gryffindor Socks [Ravelry link]: started those August 2007. Let's face it, I hate them. Frog.

Sock Yarn Shawl [Ravelry link]: started in October 2007, this is a never ending project. I'll keep, it justifies new sock yarn.

Boku Blanket [Ravelry link]: November 2007? A year ago? Feels like yesterday.

Paperino's sweater [Ravelry link]: January 21, 2008, completed July 5 2008, I need to fix the collar.

Back-to-School Vest [Ravelry link]: started in Feb 2008, completed July 21 2008, need to rip back half of it. Undecided.

Scialle Diagonale [Ravelry link]: started on February 17 2008. Umh, I have another diagonal shawl on the needles that I like much more. Frog.

Very Red Cardigan [Ravelry link]: started on May 1 2008, was going to be my summer cardi. Summer 2009?

Rosso Dicembre [Ravelry link]: started July 13 2008 and going strong - it's my bus stop project.

Fingerless Gloves for Mom [Ravelry link]: no socks on the needles, gloves! Started August 27 2008.

One Skein Wonder [Ravelry link]: it's for me and it is quick!

Tally: two projects down, 10 to go.