She wrote:
Your journey starts where all good journeys begin - with planning and packing!
To help you get started, please find some lovely American sock yarn - what could be better on your flight than casting on a new pair of socks! This yarn, named "Deep", reminds me of the colors of the skies in London! I have even included a sock pattern for you - you will be ll set for your flight! You will also find a small notebook to help you with your lists - and your memory of your journey! Also, find some hand creme to keep your hands soft as you wing your way to London!

Upon arrival in London - a spot of tea and biscuits would be in order to refresh yourself for your journey in London Towne! See in your package some very special tea and biscuits just for you! Take a moment and relax, sip some tea and get ready for your next surprise!

Our first stop is with Rowan - who can go to London and not think of Rowan! Enjoy your goodies!

Next up is a stop to see Debbie Bliss - you will definitely want to have a cup of tea at her place as well. She shared with me some lovely Alpaca Silk just for you!

Your next journey is to Jaeger - all for you is skein of Trinity to make yourself a decadent dishcloth!

Last, but definitily not least is a pattern for a lovely lace wrap - what with lace knitting being all the rage - how could you resist Hidcote Gardens. Pattern and yarn will help you get started!

Finally, some lovely cards for you to share with your friends! I hope that you have enjoyed this journey to London!

So, is she the most special swapper or what?
Thank you so much Kathy, I think you should quit your day job and open a travel agency!
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